Marijuana Community Forum-January 30th at Stevenson High SchoolAs the new administration takes office in Springfield, the topic of the commercialization of marijuana will become more heated. Learn more about what this could mean for our youth. National experts will be on hand to discuss lessons learned from states that have legalized marijuana and will educate us on the difference between legalization, decriminalization and commercialization, as well as the impact the proposed policy would have on our community. Experts include:
Date: Wednesday, January 30 Time: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Location: Adlai E. Stevenson High School, 1 Stevenson Dr., Lincolnshire - West Auditorium * Please park in Lot B or E and enter via Point Entrance For more information on this event and/or to register, please click here. If you have any further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Jamie Epstein at [email protected]. Saturday, April 29 the Lincolnshire Police Department, Buffalo Grove Police Department, and Long Grove Fire Department participated in the national DEA Prescription Drug Take-Back Day initiative and it was a huge success. The Lincolnshire Police collection netted 124.5 pounds of unused prescription drugs. Safe Disposal to Reduce Drug Abuse Among Adolescents and Teens Safe disposal of prescription medications, whether on drug take-back day or at a permanent drug disposal drop box prevents these potentially dangerous drugs from falling into the wrong hands and risk being abused. The fact is, many teens mistakenly think medicines in the home medicine cabinet are safer to abuse than illegal drugs. Safely disposing of unwanted and expired medicines using a take-back program keeps these medicines out of the hands of teens. Did You Know?
Bottom line is, from parents, to grandparents, to neighbors, to parents of our kids friends - we have the power to make a significant impact and decrease prescription drug abuse among our youth. Many thanks to everyone that cleaned out their medicine cabinets and properly dispensed of unused or expired prescription drugs. Thank you as well to Dr. Cristina Cortesi, Substance Abuse Coordinator, School Resource Officer Rick Coakley of Adlai E. Stevenson High School , and SSC Executive Director Jamie Epstein for their time and dedication to the safety of our community. (1) Data: University of Illinois - Center for Prevention Research and Development - Illinois Youth Survey (2016) (Lake County, IL) Available online:
Stand Strong Coalition's co-founder, Stevenson parent, and clinical psychologist Dr. Debbie Stern recently interviewed by Daily Herald Staff Writer Marie Wilson.
"Substance abuse is a community-wide problem," Stevenson's Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator Dr. Cristina Cortesi said. "It really does take a community to create a culture and to change a culture." |
September 2021