March Special Event: Shining a Light on the Dark Web--Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet2/21/2019 Stand Strong Coalition's Thursday, November 8 meeting will host guest speaker and SSC Board Member, Dr. Susan Sirota, MD, FAAP. This community event is from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at the Village of Lincolnshire, One Olde Half Day Road. The event is free and parents and community members are encouraged to attend.
Topic: Filtering Facts from Myths on Vaping, Juuling, and e-Cigarettes Teens know about vaping from their peers and social media. As parents, we need to educate ourselves on the health hazards, consequences, risks associated with this new trend. Dr. Sirota will clear the air on vaping, Juuling, and the link to cannabis. Dr. Sirota will share her expertise about:
Saturday, April 29 the Lincolnshire Police Department, Buffalo Grove Police Department, and Long Grove Fire Department participated in the national DEA Prescription Drug Take-Back Day initiative and it was a huge success. The Lincolnshire Police collection netted 124.5 pounds of unused prescription drugs. Safe Disposal to Reduce Drug Abuse Among Adolescents and Teens Safe disposal of prescription medications, whether on drug take-back day or at a permanent drug disposal drop box prevents these potentially dangerous drugs from falling into the wrong hands and risk being abused. The fact is, many teens mistakenly think medicines in the home medicine cabinet are safer to abuse than illegal drugs. Safely disposing of unwanted and expired medicines using a take-back program keeps these medicines out of the hands of teens. Did You Know?
Bottom line is, from parents, to grandparents, to neighbors, to parents of our kids friends - we have the power to make a significant impact and decrease prescription drug abuse among our youth. Many thanks to everyone that cleaned out their medicine cabinets and properly dispensed of unused or expired prescription drugs. Thank you as well to Dr. Cristina Cortesi, Substance Abuse Coordinator, School Resource Officer Rick Coakley of Adlai E. Stevenson High School , and SSC Executive Director Jamie Epstein for their time and dedication to the safety of our community. (1) Data: University of Illinois - Center for Prevention Research and Development - Illinois Youth Survey (2016) (Lake County, IL) Available online:
The adolescent and teenage years are a vulnerable time of life as teens attempt to navigate the precarious bridge between childhood and adulthood. And one of the most challenging decisions, for an age group that’s ill-prepared to make difficult choices, is whether to start using alcohol or drugs.
Needless to say, it is important for you, as parents, to understand some of the core issues and influences behind the detrimental behavior of teenage drug and alcohol use. 1. People Around Them. Teenagers see lots of people consuming various substances. They see their parents and other adults drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and, sometimes, trying other substances. Unfortunately, a teenager’s social scene often revolves around drinking and smoking marijuana. Sometimes friends urge one another to have a drink or smoke pot, but it’s just as common for teens to start trying a substance because it’s readily available and they see all their peers enjoying it. In their minds, they see drug use as a part of the normal teenage experience. 2. Digital and Print Media. Forty-five percent of teens agree with the statement: “The music that teens listen to makes marijuana seem cool.” And 45 percent of teens agree with the statement “Movies and TV shows make drugs seem like an ok thing to do.” (PATS 2012) All the more reason for parents to be aware of the media that your son or daughter is consuming and talk to them about it. 3. Escape and Self-Medication. When teens are unhappy and can’t find a healthy outlet for their frustration or a trusted confidant, they may turn to harmful substances for comfort. Depending on the substance they choose to try, they may feel blissfully oblivious, wonderfully happy or energized and confident. The often rough teenage years can take an emotional toll on children, sometimes even causing depression, so when teens are given a chance to take something to make them feel better, many can’t resist. For example, some teens abuse prescription medicine to manage stress or regulate their lives. Sometimes they abuse prescription stimulants (used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) to provide additional energy and the ability to focus when they’re studying or taking tests. Others are abusing prescription pain relievers and tranquilizers to cope with academic, social or emotional stress. 4. Boredom. Teens who can’t tolerate being alone, have trouble keeping themselves occupied or crave excitement are prime candidates for substance use. Not only do alcohol and marijuana give them something to do, but those substances help fill the internal void they feel. Further, they provide a common ground for interacting with like-minded teens, a way to instantly bond with a group of kids. 5. Rebellion. Different rebellious teens choose different substances to use based on their personalities. Alcohol is the drug of choice for the angry teenager because it frees him to behave aggressively. Methamphetamine, or meth, also encourages aggressive, violent behavior, and can be far more dangerous and potent than alcohol. Marijuana, on the other hand, often seems to reduce aggression and is more of an avoidance drug. Some teens abuse prescription medicine to party and get high. LSD and hallucinogens are also escape drugs, often used by young people who feel misunderstood and may long to escape to a more idealistic, kind world. Smoking cigarettes can be a form of rebellion to flaunt their independence and make their parents angry. The reasons for teenage drug-use are as complex as teenagers themselves. 6. Instant Gratification. Drugs and alcohol work quickly. The initial effects feel really good. Teenagers turn to drug use because they see it as a short-term shortcut to happiness. 7. Lack of Confidence. Many shy teenagers who lack confidence report that they’ll do things under the influence of alcohol or drugs that they might not otherwise. This is part of the appeal of drugs and alcohol even for relatively self-confident teens; you have the courage to dance if you’re a bad dancer, or sing at the top of your lungs even if you have a terrible voice, or kiss the girl you’re attracted to. And alcohol and other drugs tend not only to loosen your inhibitions but to alleviate social anxiety. Not only do you have something in common with the other people around you, but there’s the mentality that if you do anything or say anything stupid, everyone will just think you had too many drinks or smoked too much weed. 8. Misinformation. Perhaps the most avoidable cause of substance use is inaccurate information about drugs and alcohol. Nearly every teenager has friends who claim to be experts on various recreational substances, and they’re happy to assure her that the risks are minimal. Educate your teenagers about drug use, so they get the real facts about the dangers of drug use. Source: Top 8 Reasons Why Teens Try Alcohol and Drugs (Copyright © 2017 Partnership for Drug-Free Kids) The information contained on this website should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances. Stand Strong Coalition's co-founder, Stevenson parent, and clinical psychologist Dr. Debbie Stern recently interviewed by Daily Herald Staff Writer Marie Wilson.
"Substance abuse is a community-wide problem," Stevenson's Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator Dr. Cristina Cortesi said. "It really does take a community to create a culture and to change a culture." |
September 2021